
In pillow talks.

I was told about his life. His college drop-out. His relativity. His E=mc2, Annus Mirabilis, version of universe.

Third book about him I read. The first person I found myself an admirer of. Blue sky of the day reminds me of this guy who explained why the sky is blue (in his paper on critical opalescence described the cumulative effect of light scattered by individual molecules in the atmosphere gives it colour).


Something catchy.

There's a witty drug store banner in Lan Kwai Fong says,

We have BEER for you to drink,
CIGAR for you to enjoy,
PERFUME for your girlfriends,
VIAGRA for banana become cucumber.
Don't forget CONDOM for your safe sex,
otherwise...... DRUGS to heal you.
If she insist "no".....
MELATONIN for you go to sleep.
Enjoy your night....

If there's a banner like this out of every office, what yours says?
Just wonder.

photo by sitruc, 2007, hk