
Sitrucian I.Q. Test.

Check the device (my new watch). Figure out how it works.

Time: 15:29
Date: 10/21

I advice you to take a mensa test if you can solve it in 15 secs.

5 feedbacks:

Anonymous said...

Cool watch. What brand?

Anonymous said...

i bet 15 secs is impossible...otherwise i'm willing to declare that person a genius..^^

Sitruc.M said...

loungeblue >

maybe there are quite some genius out there & here. heee

Anonymous said...

Hi Pal,

I was fascinated by your pics. And now by your watch.

Would have got it faster, if the pics are larger in size.

Thx for sharing.

A Quasi-genius who pass-by
Diana R

Sitruc.M said...

diana >

thx. many of my friends still think it's weird and not user-friendly while I LOVE it. :)