
In pillow talks.

I was told about his life. His college drop-out. His relativity. His E=mc2, Annus Mirabilis, version of universe.

Third book about him I read. The first person I found myself an admirer of. Blue sky of the day reminds me of this guy who explained why the sky is blue (in his paper on critical opalescence described the cumulative effect of light scattered by individual molecules in the atmosphere gives it colour).


Something catchy.

There's a witty drug store banner in Lan Kwai Fong says,

We have BEER for you to drink,
CIGAR for you to enjoy,
PERFUME for your girlfriends,
VIAGRA for banana become cucumber.
Don't forget CONDOM for your safe sex,
otherwise...... DRUGS to heal you.
If she insist "no".....
MELATONIN for you go to sleep.
Enjoy your night....

If there's a banner like this out of every office, what yours says?
Just wonder.

photo by sitruc, 2007, hk


All that I can read alone #1

乾了 盡了 也就完了

下凡前 化泥後
種種 重重



Not where you are nor the moment you got stuck in.

The most cogent prison on earth is right between your ears.
Don't you wanna take a break?

photo by sitruc. 2007, singapore


Sometimes it rusts.

and it's not quite up to you.

photo by sitruc. 2006, hk


Pencil and paper.

and a very raw kind of fun.

sketch by sitruc, 2007


Tie me up so I can feel free.

we all born with a natural fondness to be curbed, cocooned, restricted.
til we're at the age of crawling.
then we fight and struggle aggrandizing what we know as freedom.

til we're at the age of falling in love.
then we give it all up.

photo by sitruc. 2007, hk


Sandcastles we build in the sky.

okay, who wants high ceiling when ozone is handy?

photo by sitruc. 2007, hk


Dear souls once were.

I am nothing but reactions to your actions.

photo by sitruc. 2007, hk


The quietest shade of loud.

What's inside?

Your universe.
My hodgepodge.
Someone's pandemonium.
Their secrets.

photo by sitruc. 2007, hk


It's my left foot you're standing on. It hurts. But it's okay.

is killing me
in tranquility

aloof eyes on his poker face
seems to tell

c'est pas mon défaut

no it's not

photo by sitruc. 2006, hk


Prey, play, pray, be preyed.

*images adopted from the movie Babel

Watched Babel another night. It's a good one and a heavy one like 21 Grams, former work of the movie's director Alejandro González Iñárritu who's well known for his ability to weave compelling and non-linear stories in harmonic rhyme.

Sons of a Morocco farmer were given a hunting rifle to keep the wolves away from their goats. The boys played with it shooting a bus far away. The bullet went to shoulder of an American tourist. Hided the rifle, prayed not to be found, were finally got into a chase and gun shoots by the police.

They were supposed to prey, and they played, then prayed, then were preyed. Like you'll never know what a mindless move you made would trigger, nor where the day will bring you. By reading this post you pulled a trigger, and I did mine writing it. The bullet may hit a tree trunk, or a supermarket trolley, or the dark side of the moon, or somebody's chest. Right, like you never know.

[Babel by Alejandro González Iñárritu, 2006]


Internal monologue #1

i'm afraid of epilogue.
i'm afraid of flatterers and insinuations.
i'm afraid of being cold-shouldered.
i'm afraid of the crowd.
i'm afraid of casual acquaintances.
i'm afraid of being stopped.
i'm afraid of being pushed.
i'm afraid of getting stuck.
i'm afraid of not being understood.
i'm afraid of being looked through.
i'm afraid of getting up at the wrong side of the bed.
i'm afraid of doing something wrong.
i'm afraid of doing only the right things.
i'm afraid of permanent damages.
i'm afraid of conclusions.
i'm afraid of not being loved.
i'm afraid of loving someone too much.
i'm afraid of being loved for the wrong reasons.
i'm afraid of being the right guy for the wrong girl.
i'm afraid of the right girl showed up at the wrong time.
i'm afraid of the right time will never come.
i'm afraid of afraid.

photo by sitruc for misa c. 2006, hk


Internal fabrication #2

woke in the midnight traded my sweat soaked pillow for a dry one then found the little white mood-elevating pills doesn't work as on pain of tragically sentimental god you give me years and years of disneyland while all I asked for is Musée du Louvre like you never listen or I never pray bet you're on the frantic side of busy running your universe would have no time to run little errands for me, huh?

2007/02/11: Thx for emails & msn messages from you guys, I'm doing a okay. What I wrote under "Internal fabrication" are little tales came up to my mind, not happening to me. So don't worry. I'm not having the little white mood-elevating pills. :)

photo by sitruc. 2004, hk


Internal fabrication #1



Sexy is is sexy.

sexy is a pair of peep-toe high heels
on the right pair of legs
wandering down a bridge of concrete
in a foggy night
tracing tipsy steps
watching the man
watching you
wearing peep-toe high heels

is sexy

photo by sitruc for jasper c. 2006, hk


Killer interface.

Check out the new iPhone. See "widescreen iPod" demo.

oh oh oh, there is some serious charm here in this killer interface.
Nobody can resist that. Nooooooooobody.

image from apple.com


The muddled.

朋友當中最聰穎會六種語言記憶力最好的, 也是最不快樂的一位.

在浴室想起以前某女友說過 "頭痛得像扭毛巾",
用力扭毛巾時擠出了水, 頭痛時擠出了什麼?
或是一點點不具名的天份, 重要與不重要的記憶也許.

如是更接近了混沌, 及快樂(?)

小孩子們: 切記別人說吃了會聰明的蔥是毒藥, 而祝你聰明伶俐的人正在詛咒你.



It's my birthday and I wish my life will make more sense after the end of every day.