
Mrs. Charon Pluto.

"A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle" Irina Dunn, 1970

and a man needs a woman like the earth needs the moon. Who stays 450,000 kilometers away from you, moving further 3.8 centimeters a year.

6 feedbacks:

Anonymous said...

Interesting & funny ~ Does the earth need the moon? Isn't the sun more important? & I disagree with the sentence "A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle." Or maybe I dun get the real meaning...ha~

Anonymous said...

精辟~ ^^

Anonymous said...

I do need a bicycle if it has a SIX PACK. WOOoooo~~

Any gear for your moon?

BTW, what's Mrs. Charon Pluto?

Anonymous said...

u mean man and woman don't need each other?

also how moon move further? it moves all the time!

Sitruc.M said...

friends pls check the new post for answers. :)

Nat >
Maybe the gal care enough to buy me a six-pack coke. lol.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic theory!